Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Brunhilda and the Dark Crystal - concepts, sketches part 2

We had many difficulties working on this casual game project, one of them was outsourcing, as a result I was   sometimes forced to clean my concept arts and make linearts or even final backgrounds of them.
So here are some results...

Game website: http://brunhildathegame.com (new window)


Here are some graphics from action/puzzle mobile game, that i've made while working at TwinBottles.
You can buy it or try it for free on iOS and Android devices. Have fun :)

Final Boogiemons characters in diffrent costumes

First stage characters concept art ...those were a little bit too scary ;]

And some in-game graphics

Llink to the trailer: http://youtu.be/ddjEL_bQIss (new window)

Brunhilda and the Dark Crystal - game interface, logo

Some of the graphics I've made for this casual game 

Logo, main menu illustration and GUI, in-game interface

Minigame and "table top view" used in game trailer

Game website: http://brunhildathegame.com (new window)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Random pieces

Bunch of concepts from "unfinished projects"


Brunhilda And The Dark Crystal - character concept art

I've made these concepts for "Brunhilda" game, but finally some of them where used as a final in-game characters.

Game website: http://brunhildathegame.com (new window)

Cyber punk concept art

This project has never started for real, but story was very interesting. This location concept illustrates the "Dirty Pipe" underground bar ;)

"Slavic Demonology" graduation project - part 1

This is part of my graduation project in Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology. This was an interactive illustration made in Flash technology. It was kind of a bestiary, with some of most interesting creatures from slavic mythology. I've designed them after deep study of slavic myths, beliefs and people's superstitions.


These are characters from slavic mythology: Wodnik, Ognik, Południca, Strzyga, Zmora

Brunhilda And The Dark Crystal sketches, linearts, sprites

Some line arts, loose sketches and game sprites from "Brunhilda" game

Game website: http://brunhildathegame.com (new window)

Captain Binary - Kapitan Binarny

Here are some of my old game art pieces. Captain Binary is a free platfrom game, made as a promotional product for Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology. It was very successful project, with fan clubs all over the world.

It is still available to download here: http://www.binarny.pjwstk.edu.pl/en/index.html (new window)