Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Speed paint

quick 15 min. sketch

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Mouse Craft work in progress - background 3

After the concept stage, and refining the 3d scene, I've just finished to set up the color blocking and lighting.

(concept stage)

(this is 3d scene modeled by Kris)

(and after my "re-modeling")

(color blocking, basic lighting in Unity)

(finished background, post processed in Photoshop)

Mouse Craft background 2

1.Concept stage, searching for general mood, color and lighting ideas

 2. Deforming and adding detail to recieved 3d scene, setting up in Unity

3. Final scene, after texturing and post process in Photoshop

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Random heroes

Mouse Craft background

I've just started working for Crunching Koalas. My current task is to develop backgrounds for MouseCraft game. Finished background is a result of my cooperation with Luke(2d) and Kris(3d) from Crunching Koalas. My job here was to make concept art, modify 3d models, modeling 3d details, scene set up in Unity(lighting, materials, composition), painting textures and post processing in Photoshop.

Concept art

Finished background 

Background in game environment

Monday, May 13, 2013

"Slavic Demonology" graduation project - part 2

Second part of my PJWSTK graduation project...

Licho, Rusałka, Dziwożona, Kikimora...

Here are two screenshots of  interactive bestiary which was a part of graduation project. Every creature was drawn in his own habitat, according to beliefs, of course ;)

You can see this project here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15309958/slowianie.swf (new window)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Brunhilda and the Dark Crystal - concepts, sketches part 2

We had many difficulties working on this casual game project, one of them was outsourcing, as a result I was   sometimes forced to clean my concept arts and make linearts or even final backgrounds of them.
So here are some results...

Game website: http://brunhildathegame.com (new window)


Here are some graphics from action/puzzle mobile game, that i've made while working at TwinBottles.
You can buy it or try it for free on iOS and Android devices. Have fun :)

Final Boogiemons characters in diffrent costumes

First stage characters concept art ...those were a little bit too scary ;]

And some in-game graphics

Llink to the trailer: http://youtu.be/ddjEL_bQIss (new window)

Brunhilda and the Dark Crystal - game interface, logo

Some of the graphics I've made for this casual game 

Logo, main menu illustration and GUI, in-game interface

Minigame and "table top view" used in game trailer

Game website: http://brunhildathegame.com (new window)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Random pieces

Bunch of concepts from "unfinished projects"